Synopsis: Sam is an Indian-American high school student who rejects her Indian heritage to be like everyone else. When a demonic spirit known as a Pishach latches onto her former...
When the night shift starts, the nightmare begins…Five Nights at Freddy’s, the indie video game that became a phenomenon will open in theaters and stream on...
In Insidious: The Red Door, the horror franchise’s original cast returns for the final chapter of the Lambert family’s terrifying saga. To put their demons to rest...
The horror film genre has a devoted following and nowhere is this more evident than at The Texas Frightmare Weekend. These events bring together fans, filmmakers,...
In Theaters April 21 & On Digital April 25 Synopsis: After mysteriously inheriting an abandoned coastal property, Ben and his family accidentally unleash an ancient, long-dormant creature...
EVIL DEAD RISE hits theaters this weekend and writer director Lee Cronin is another example of why more films should be made for fans, by fans....
Insidious: The Red Door drops this July and we have your first look at the new trailer! Follow us on YouTube for more movie trailers and...
The Countdown City Geeks were lucky enough to catch a premiere of Renfield thanks to Universal Pictures and had as much fun as one would expect...
Welcome Villain Films has announced a partnership with XR content developer and publisher Top Right Corner to release a new VR horror game based on the studio’s...
Synopsis: Francis, a 115-year-old Yiddish-speaking vampire, still looks 35. He’s been roaming American backroads in his beat-up muscle car for decades, keeping to himself and liking...