Dear Santa premieres Nov 25 on Paramount+ and on Digital. Synopsis: When a young boy mails his Christmas wish list to Santa with one crucial spelling...
RED ONE is a Christmas movie with a Marvel superhero feel from another time, another place, another dimension. It starts off with a young Jack O’Malley...
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, based on the book of the same name, is a humorous, warm, heartfelt movie that will open up your faith and...
FOR A CHANCE TO WIN, CHOOSE YOUR CITY LINK BELOW Screening takes place Tuesday Nov 12th @ 7:00pm CST. Arrive early! Seating is limited. HOUSTON – Use code LurkB46088Location:...
FOR A CHANCE TO WIN, CHOOSE YOUR CITY LINK BELOW Screenings take place Sunday Nov 17 @ 2:00 pm CST. Arrive early! Seating is limited. AUSTIN – Use code:...
FOR A CHANCE TO WIN, CHOOSE YOUR CITY LINK BELOW Screenings take place Thursday Nov 7 @ 7:00 pm CST. Arrive early! Seating is limited. EL PASO...
FOR A CHANCE TO WIN, CHOOSE YOUR CITY LINK BELOW Screenings take place Tuesday Nov 12 @ 7:00 pm CST. Arrive early! Seating is limited. AUSTIN...
No matter how hard you try, you can’t break up with your past. This Valentine’s Day, Oscar® winner Ke Huy Quan (Everything Everywhere All at Once, Loki) rockets...
FOR A CHANCE TO WIN, CHOOSE YOUR CITY LINK BELOW Screenings take place Saturday Nov 2 @ 7:00pm CST. Arrive early! Seating is limited. HOUSTON – Use code cNrJU15793Location:...
Batman Beyond Year One, the live-action proof of concept short film which started off as a Kickstarter project, released its final trailer this week. The film...