EMPIRE V follows a 19-year-old Moscow nobody who receives an invitation to join an elite and powerful echelon of society, only to discover the bloody secrets...
“Dune: Part Two” will explore the mythic journey of Paul Atreides as he unites with Chani and the Fremen while on a warpath of revenge against...
Liam Neeson stars in Retribution, an immersive ticking clock thriller that straps audiences in for a high-octane ride of redemption and revenge. When a mysterious caller...
Synopsis: A disgraced internet personality attempts to win back his followers by livestreaming one night alone in a haunted house. But when he accidentally pisses off...
This wicked odyssey of blood and cheese puts a new spin on the classic tale of “Heidi,” finding our heroine (Alice Lucy) all grown-up and living...
Synopsis: Sam is an Indian-American high school student who rejects her Indian heritage to be like everyone else. When a demonic spirit known as a Pishach latches onto her former...
Orlando Arocena aka “Mexifunk” is one of the most sought-after digital artists in the world. It’s more than likely that the packaging on one of your...
When the night shift starts, the nightmare begins…Five Nights at Freddy’s, the indie video game that became a phenomenon will open in theaters and stream on...
For a chance to see Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part 1, sign up on our Email Giveaway List using the link below. Winners will receive an email...
For a chance to see Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part 1, sign up on our Email Giveaway List using the link below. Winners will receive an email...