Synopsis: Since giving up his life as a government assassin, Robert McCall (Denzel Washington) has struggled to reconcile the horrific things he’s done in the past...
Directed by Academy Award Winner Taika Waititi (Jojo Rabbit, Thor: Ragnarok), NEXT GOAL WINS follows the American Samoa soccer team, infamous for their brutal 31-0 FIFA loss...
In Theaters April 21 & On Digital April 25 Synopsis: After mysteriously inheriting an abandoned coastal property, Ben and his family accidentally unleash an ancient, long-dormant creature...
EVIL DEAD RISE hits theaters this weekend and writer director Lee Cronin is another example of why more films should be made for fans, by fans....
Insidious: The Red Door drops this July and we have your first look at the new trailer! Follow us on YouTube for more movie trailers and...
The Monsterverse continues with GODZILLA x KONG: THE NEW EMPIRE, releasing on March 15, 2024.
A new tv spot has been released informing fans that tickets go on sale Monday for Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, written and...
John Wick Chapter 4 non-spoiler movie review by “Legacy of Nerd” aka Daniel Villanueva and Joe Garcia of the Countdown City Geeks. We greatly appreciate your...
Universal Pictures releases the new “For Fans and Family” Featurette highlighting the Fast Saga’s origins and lasting franchise. With over $6.6 billion in box office sales,...
It’s not the long anticipated POTFEST film teased in the post credits of BEERFEST but from the legendary Broken Lizard team who brought you SUPER TROOPERS,...