The new HBO Original Series Dune: Prophecy is a prequel from Frank Herbert’s 1965 novel Dune. However, the series is based on the 2012 novel Sisterhood...
Ted aka Steady and David caught an early screening for Transformers One. Hear their non-spoiler thoughts and be sure to check out the movie when it...
TWISTERS drops this weekend, and we were lucky enough to catch an early glimpse of the movie. Hear our non spoilery thoughts on the film and...
Longlegs is an instant horror classic and incorporates great visuals and film techniques from the best the genre has to offer. The movie is unsettling from...
A formula that has worked many times in the past, but this film doesn’t shy away from it, it embraces it. The Underdoggs features Snoop Dogg...
Steady and JC caught an early screening for Trolls Band Together and were taken back to the boy band craze of the 90s and 2000s. Hear...
In a dystopian Switzerland that has fallen under the fascist rule of an evil cheese tyrant (Van Dien), Heidi (Lucy) lives a pure and simple life...
The Countdown City Geeks sat down for one of the strangest movie reviews possibly ever. Hear their non-spoiler take on the Bear-Gone-Wild tale of Cocaine Bear!...