Kevin Mangold is an actor, stuntman, and stunt coordinator that shows no signs of slowing. He recently portrayed everyone’s favorite little green spud Slimer in Ghostbusters...
Nicky Whelan, Terrence Howard, Esai Morales, and Alec Baldwin star in the upcoming suspenseful thriller dropping in select theaters and VOD today, “Crescent City“. Hear my...
Terrence Howard, Esai Morales, and Alec Baldwin star in the upcoming action thriller dropping in select theaters and VOD tomorrow, “Crescent City”. Hear my chat with...
The upcoming dark comedy which features the talented Keir Gilchrist, Lucy Hale, Jay Pharoah, and Jim Gaffigan will release in select theaters August 9 and VOD...
Happy San Diego Comic-Con everyone. My first guest is Stimson Snead, the writer, director and star of the marvelous sci-fi comedy: Tim Travers and the Time...
I sat down with director Brian Skiba as we talk about his new action thriller, CLEAR CUT. The film features Alec Baldwin, Clive Standen and Stephen...
Dropping later this week in select theaters and VOD is the suspenseful “shark” thriller, THE LAST BREATH. Joining me from the film are the main stars,...
The Countdown City Geeks sat down with the great David Ramsey to talk about food, the funniest on-set moment with Stephen Amell, and just how close...
We are on location at SXSW and on the red carpet with the incomparable Rachel Zegler who is attending the world premiere for her hilarious new...
Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong have a career in entertainment that spans across five decades. Most know them for their movies and their die-hard fans met...