That Guy Tommy sat down with prolific Kaiju artist Matt Frank during the “Retro City” King of the Monsters-Fest. Since 2011, Matt Frank has been known...
Chris talked about how he and his brother would read Charles Schulz comics strips growing up. He went to art school and then later he got...
Jimmy Palmiotti is a writer and inker of comic books. He has also written for video games as well as television and film. In 2013, DC Comics tapped Amanda Conner and...
Writer: Alex Segura Artist: Leonard Kirk Color Artist: Rachelle Rosenberg Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna Cover Artist: Phil Noto The comic opens up hours after the Rebellions...
That Guy Tommy and Retro Ray sat down with comic writer Melissa Flores: We talked about Power Rangers: Prime. Melissa started writing fan fiction at...
Ed Brisson talked about how growing up as a kid he read Captain Canuck comic, and as he got older, he realized he wanted to get...
Daniel from The Legacy of Nerd & Retro Ray sit down to review the highly anticipated follow up to the 2022 limited series, Godzilla Vs Mighty...
The Legacy of Nerd and Retro Ray had a chance to sit down with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return Co-Writer Matt Hotson. They discuss his...
Ghostheads Radio is reviewing issue 1 of the Dark Horse comic Ghostbusters Back in Town. Hear our thoughts on the comic and also be sure to...
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return Issue #2 was released this week and Daniel from ‘The Legacy of Nerd’ and Retro Ray from the “Countdown City...