A Complete Unknown is a prelude into Bob Dylan’s (Timothée Chalamet) career and it begins when Dylan arrives in New York City to visit his folk...
Robert Eggers’ NOSFERATU is a gothic tale of obsession between a haunted young woman and the terrifying vampire infatuated with her, causing untold horror in its...
“Werewolves” has all the elements of an 80s cheesy horror flick – funny, gory, beasts and the hot guy. The movie starts with Dr. Aranda (Lou...
FOR A CHANCE TO WIN, CHOOSE YOUR CITY LINK BELOW Screening takes place Tuesday Dec 17 @ 5:00pm CST. Arrive early! Seating is limited. SAN ANTONIO – Click hereLocation:...
FOR A CHANCE TO WIN, CHOOSE YOUR CITY LINK BELOW Screening takes place Tuesday Dec 17 @ 7:00pm CST. Arrive early! Seating is limited. HOUSTON – Use code gIhwD41593Location:...
FOR A CHANCE TO WIN, CHOOSE YOUR CITY LINK BELOW Screening takes place Wed December 18 @ 7:00pm CST. Arrive early! Seating is limited. HOUSTON – Use code VdhPM09457Location:...
Directors of THE GUTTER, Isaiah Lester and Yassir Lester actual brothers who were raised together and ingested all the same entertainment. Yet what they retained and...
The Countdown City Geeks want you to join us at the Star Wars Skeleton Crew Theatrical event in Austin on December 2nd. Click the link and...
Three years later after returning the heart to Te Fiti, Moana (Auliʻi Cravalho) is seen exploring a deserted island and discovers an artifact indicating the island...
Everyone’s favorite felons are back, and this time, they’ve got company. In the new action-packed chapter from DreamWorks Animation’s acclaimed comedy smash about a crackerjack crew...